sveltekit-session Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Session

Simple sessions for SvelteKit


Simple SvelteKit session management.

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npm install sveltekit-session

sveltekit-session offers first class support for redis as a session store. In order to use redis, you need to install ioredis.

npm install sveltekit-session ioredis


  1. Create an instance of SessionManager. This example uses the built-in RedisStore.


    import { SessionManager } from 'sveltekit-session';
    import RedisStore from 'sveltekit-session/redis';
    import Redis from 'ioredis';
    const redisClient = new Redis({ port: 6379, host: 'localhost' });
    const redisStore = new RedisStore(redisClient); // pass in the redisClient
    //new SessionManager(sessionOptions: SessionOptions, store: Store, cookieOptions?: CookieOptions)
    export const sessionManager = new SessionManager({ ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, refreshSession: true }, redisStore, { path: '/' });

    See SessionManager Options for more information.

  2. Add the handle hook in /src/hooks.server.ts.

    import type { Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
    import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
    import { handleSession } from 'sveltekit-session';
    import { sessionManager } from '$lib/server/session';
    // your handle hook
    export const myHandle = (async ({ event, resolve }) => {
        const session = event.locals.session; // session data is ready to be accessed
        const response = await resolve(event);
        return response;
    }) satisfies Handle;
    export const handle = sequence(handleSession(sessionManager), myHandle); // make sure to add handleSession before any other hooks that make use of the session

    Check out the SvelteKit docs on sequence.

  3. Using SvelteKit-Session is then as simple as this.

    import { sessionManager } from '$lib/server/session';
    export const load = async (event) => {
        // check if session exists
        if (!event.locals.session) {
            throw error(401, 'Not logged in');
        // create session
        await sessionManager.createSession({ username: 'foo' }, event);
        // use session = '[email protected]';
        // destroy session
        // get a list of all sessionIds
        await sessionManager.listSessions();
        // remove specific sessionId from store
        // THIS WILL NOT DELETE THE COOKIE. USE session.destroy() INSTEAD
        await sessionManager.deleteSession(sessionId);
        // remove all sessionIds from store
        await sessionManager.deleteAllSessions();

Typing your session

Import the Session type and add it to the App.Locals interface, then pass your type to the Session type.


type MySessionData = {
    username: string;
    email?: string;

declare namespace App {
    interface Locals {
        session?: import('sveltekit-session').Session<MySessionData>;

Custom stores

Custom stores can be easily created by implementing the Store interface.

Check out the RedisStore for an example.

interface Store {
    set(key: string, value: any, ttl?: number): Promise<void>;
    get(key: string): Promise<unknown>;
    update(key: string, value: any, ttl?: number): Promise<void>;
    delete(key: string): Promise<void>;
    clear(): Promise<void>;
    keys(): Promise<string[]>;

SessionManager options

type SessionOptions = {
     * Number of seconds until the session expires.
    ttl: number;
    /** @defaultValue `true`
     * If true, the session will be refreshed on every request.
    refreshSession?: boolean;
    /** @defaultValue `sessionId`
     * The name of the session cookie
    name?: string;

type CookieOptions = Omit<CookieSerializeOptions, 'expires' | 'maxAge'>; // expires and maxAge are automatically set based on the ttl
// Take a look at the @types/cookie package for more information on CookieSerializeOptions

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