dc-sample-project Svelte Themes

Dc Sample Project

Sample SvelteKit project for District Cinema

District Cinema Sample Project

A small SvelteKit project allowing me to showcase my skills to District Cinema by creating a demo application from scratch, using tools similar to those in their deployment.

Table of Contents

  1. Live Application
  2. Setup Instructions
  3. Code Structure
  4. Design Choices

Live Application

You can view the live application here: Live Demo

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/maxbraun1/dc-sample-project.git
    cd dc-sample-project
  2. Install Dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Set Environment Variables:
  • Create a .env file in the root directory.

  • Add the following variables:

  1. Run the application:
    npm run dev
  2. Open the application: Visit http://localhost:5173/ in your browser.

Code Structure

I tried to follow the project and code structure recommended in the SvelteKit documentation closely. I stored components and utility functions in src/lib and followed standard routing patterns in src/routes.

I used load functions to retrieve initial page data and Form Actions to handle user submitted data. I used a global $state variable to store category ids and names once they were fetched, and used this global array to find category names from ids when pulling in new products from real-time Supabase updates.

If I were to continue working on this project, I would like to separate some of the complexity in the root +page.svelte file, as well as add much more validation to the form actions.

Design Choices

  • Live Updates: The best way I found to implement live updates from Supabase was to capture the affected product data and either remove, update, or add it to the state based on the eventType.
  • Search & Filter: I opted to perform the search and filter on the already-loaded state data, given the small amount of products and limited time. On a more in-depth project I would implement pagination for products and categories as well as moving the searching and filtering functionality to the back-end.
  • Svelte Store: When researching Svelte stores, I came across this documentation page stating "Prior to Svelte 5, stores were the go-to solution for creating cross-component reactive states or extracting logic. With runes, these use cases have greatly diminished." I followed the docs and created a what is essentially a store in /src/lib/state.svelte.ts, exporting a variable using the $state rune.
  • Reused Components: I identified reusable pieces of layout code and separated them into components.
  • Header: I created a Header component and included it in the root layout so it would appear on every page.
  • Forms: I decided to separate all forms with visible inputs onto separate pages for a cleaner UX.
  • Form Actions: As directed by the SvelteKit docs, I used Form Actions for client to server communication wherever possible, which, in such a small and simple project, turned out to be everywhere.

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