
Triplit Clerk Sveltekit

Template for Triplit using Clerk Auth in a SvelteKit project

Template for Triplit using Clerk Auth in a SvelteKit project

This template uses the Triplit Svelte template as a base and adds Clerk Auth. It includes Clerk's organization feature to segregate user data by organization. Here, all members of an organization can read and update data for that organization.

To allow users to use Clerk's default "personal" organization, you must add

    "org_role": "{{ org.role || personal }}"

to your JWT claims on the Clerk dashboard on the Sessions settings page or on a custom JWT template, if you want to use that.

Before a user signs up or signs in, this is one way to allow a user to begin using the app offline. It is possible to create an anonymous user and save that data to the Triplit server if they were online at some point, but this template does not do that. Here, data from the offline session is updated to use the new user ID when it is available, before connecting to the Triplit server and then inserting that data into the online database.

Thanks very much to the Triplit team for help thinking through some of the ideas here and to Clerk dev Robert Soriano for the svelte-clerk package.

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