
Mdsvex Sveld

Generate documentation for your Svelte components using sveld


Generate documentation for your Svelte components using sveld


npm install mdsvex-sveld

In your mdsvex config:

import sveld from "mdsvex-sveld";

const config = {
  remarkPlugins: [sveld],


You can add generated tables that describe the components props, slots, events, etc. with the following syntax:


Let's say this was Button.svelte:

     * The button type
     * @type {"button" | "submit" | "reset"} */
    export let type = 'button'

     * Set to `true` to use the primary variant
    export let primary = false

<button {...$$restProps} {type} class:primary on:click>
    <slot name="icon" />
    <slot>Click me</slot>

This would be the generated markdown:

### Props

| Prop    | Type                                                 | Default               | Description                              |
| :------ | :--------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| type    | <code>"button" &#124; "submit" &#124; "reset"</code> | <code>'button'</code> | The button type                          |
| primary | <code>boolean</code>                                 | <code>false</code>    | Set to `true` to use the primary variant |

### Slots

| Name | Default | Props | Fallback              |
| :--- | :------ | :---- | :-------------------- |
|      | Yes     |       | <code>Click me</code> |
| icon | No      |       |                       |

### Events

| Name  | Type      | Detail |
| :---- | :-------- | :----- |
| click | forwarded |        |


If you don't want all tables at once, you can specify a specific table:

| Prop    | Type                                                 | Default               | Description                              |
| :------ | :--------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| type    | <code>"button" &#124; "submit" &#124; "reset"</code> | <code>'button'</code> | The button type                          |
| primary | <code>boolean</code>                                 | <code>false</code>    | Set to `true` to use the primary variant |

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