
Svelte Jsonplaceholder Ts Example

Example of calling rest APIs from a sveltekit app


This project is a work in progress example of a svelte project using an external API written in TypeScript.

I was finding it difficult to figure this out but with some reading of docs, (pro tip, there's a "TS" toggle at the bottom left of the SvelteKit docs page) along with asking colleagues questions, I have got things working.

I don't demonstrate ALL the kinds of things sveltekit does, but I do demonstrate how to fetch data from external APIs, render the results, etc - all using TS types.

Getting it working

$ yarn install
$ yarn run dev

or whatever tooling you like to use.

Interesting things

A lot of the fun action is implemented in GET() in src/lib/jsonPlaceholderClient.ts. This single function will get the passed type (it is a Template/generic function) from the passed resource (we hard-coded it to use jsonplaceholder) and will return that type on success. Failures aren't handled, so I guess they'll just end up in a 500 :-)


I think svelte and sveltekit is very cool. I am a backend guy so I've not got a ton of experience with FE frameworks but I've been forced to write a lot of JS over the years (with a gun held to my head) and never enjoyed it.

Svelte, I enjoy. It works pretty much the way I expect - there's a couple of little traps - like you can't rename some variables as Svelte treats them as magic variables so you have to always call your data variable in int +page.svelte that - you can't change it. But it's ok, you might be returning multiple things in PageData so forcing that means you won't be refactoring later.

Anyway, hope this helps.


I'm sure you are better at svelte, typescript, javascript, than I am. File a PR, I'll merge it. I was looking at implementing a TypeScript version of the Realworld app (the official Svelte Realworld app is in Javascript) but then realised it would take a lot of time so I decided against that. I can see why they didn't do it yet.


I wouldn't mind finishing this, having it do all the things.

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