
Getting Started Fullstack Ethereum Development

Start your journey into web3 and blockchain development as a fullstack developer with this course

πŸŽ‰ Welcome on board!

🚌 Getting starting with Ethereum Development

In this course you'll learn about the many moving parts required to start building a full stack (descentralized) application based on the Ethereum network. How to write an smart contract, write tests and how to interact with it through a web application.

Lastly, you'll learn how to deploy your dapp to the blockchain.

Important SvelteKit is still in beta. Expect bugs! Read more here, and track progress towards 1.0 here. This course was recorded pointing to the version 1.0.0-next.437 of Svelte kit It will be updated after sveltekit reach version 1.0.0

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Course summary

Ok. Are you ready? Cool, this will be quite a journey but fun and full of challenges. A few this that you'll be able to learn.

  • How to setup SvelteKit.
  • How write an smart contract with Solidity.
  • How to configure an Ethereum development environment.
  • How to test an smart contract using javascript.
  • How to connect a web application to a wallet.
  • How to interact with a deployed smart contract.
  • How to deploy an smart contract.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Who Am I?

πŸ‘‹ I MatΓ­as HernΓ‘ndez, father, developer, podcaster, writer and instructor.

I started my journey many years ago (even before jQuery became a thing), though this years I tried many different things but web developmet has always been my passion. During the last 10 years I officialy worked as "Softare Engineer" or "Developer" (the role name depends on the company πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ) for many different projects. During this years I collected ideas, concepts and knowledge that I try to share in different mediums to help other developers to level up their careers.

I love what I do and I try to bring the same passion to the content creation trough courses at, articles en FreeCodeCamp, my blog, Cloudinary and other publicationss and also with my podcasts CafΓ© con Tech & Control Remoto and finally thorugh my newsletter.

Find me in twitter as @matiasfha

⏰ Before the course

The main requisits to start with ethereum development is an "intermediate" knowledege on javascript and web development in general, the idea is to bring you into this new and excinting world from scratch!

πŸ›  Requirements

This are the things you need to susccessfully go through this course

Sytem Requirements

  • git v2.13 or above
  • NodeJS 12 || 14 || 15 || 16
  • npm v6 or superior
  • Install Metamask (this will also be done through the course )

This tools need to be part of your system, you can check each version in the terminal

$ git --version
$ node --version
$ npm --version


If you like, you can fork this repository so you can store your progress.

  • Clonse the repository
git clone
  • Install the dependencies
cd getting-started-fullstack-ethereum-development.git
npm install

this can take a few minutes

If you have any problem during this process, please fille an issue.

Execute the project

The main branch hold the final project ready to be tested, if you want to run locally to check what you'll build you can do it by

npm run start

This will:

  • spawn a local ethereum network
  • compile and locally deploy the smart contract
  • Run the contract tests
  • run the web application and open your browser

Now you just need to import an account into metamask to test the application locally This will be shown through the course

❓ How to run each lesson

Each video lesson have a companion code that you'll be able to find in a corresponding branch named as lesson-XX.

You can navigate through the branches to review the resulting code to follow the video lesson.

πŸ“ About the course

Lessons structure

Each lesson will show you a little step towards the en goals. Also each lesson have it's own branch and it's own Readme file that will give you some resources and written content related with the video lesson.

List of lessons

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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