Svelte Spotify Web Playback

A simple svelte wrapper for Spotify web playback. Lets you focus on building your own player and not needing to worry about the underlying logic/authorizations needed to get things running.



npm install -D svelte-spotify-web-playback


  • A Client ID which can be obtained from Spotify Dashboard
  • Authenticated users must have a valid Spotify Premium subscription.
  • A supported web browser running on the user's device

When creating an Client ID, remember to add correct callback urls to your application. This wrapper will default to it's current url as the callback url. Example when developing, you probaly will host the player on https://localhost:3000/ -> you should have this url in callbacks.

Simple usage

This simple version will render the basic player with few controls.

  import { WebPlayback } from 'svelte-spotify-web-playback';
  const client_id = 'your_client_id';

<WebPlayback {client_id} />


You propably want to customize your player - this is done via slots. You can use slots directly or pass it to your custom elements. (Suggesting the latter, keeps things tidy)

  import { WebPlayback } from 'svelte-spotify-web-playback';
  import CustomPlayer from './src/my_custom_player.svelte';
  const client_id = 'your_client_id';
  let wrapper; // Reference to our wrapper element.

  name="My Spotify Player" 
  <!-- Direct usage -->
  <div slot="login">
      <button on:click={() => wrapper.login()}>Login with Spotify</button>
  <!-- Custom element usage -->
  <CustomPlayer slot="player" let:player let:state {player} {state} />

Wrapper element


function description
login() Login saved user, or redirect to give access to the app.
selectDevice() Select this player active
logout() Logs current user out. User needs to give access again.


name default value type description
client_id (required) string
name Svelte Web Player string Name of your player in Spotify Connect
volume 0.5 number Initial volume of the player
scopes ['user-read-playback-state','streaming','user-read-private','user-modify-playback-state','user-read-email'] string[] Scopes for your player.
redirect_uri current window url string The url where your player is located.


name props
error { error:{ type: string, message: string } }
login -
loading -
waiting -
player { player: WebPlaybackPlayer, state: WebPlaybackState }
logout -
all { player: WebPlaybackPlayer, state: WebPlaybackState, error: { type: string, message: string }, internal: InternalStatus }

Slot "all" is ment for users who want to heavily modify the flow of the player. It will expose the internal state to the user. However, it will disable all other slots - you will need to handle different states manually.


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