svelte-pocketbase-sync Svelte Themes

Svelte Pocketbase Sync

A reactive wrapper for PocketBase collections and records in SvelteKit, allowing automatic updates and reactivity.

Svelte PocketBase Reactive Wrapper

A reactive wrapper for PocketBase collections and records in SvelteKit, allowing automatic updates and reactivity.


Ensure you have pocketbase installed:

npm install pocketbase

Then, add the wrapper files to your SvelteKit project.


1. Initialize PocketBase

pocketbase.svelte.ts provides a reactive user store and PocketBase instance. The PocketBase URL should be set via an environment variable:

export const pb = new PocketBase(process.env.POCKETBASE_URL);

Additionally, user.current is a reactive store that holds the current authenticated user.

import { pb, user } from '$lib/pocketbase/pocketbase.svelte.js';

You can authenticate users:

const login = async () => {
    const auth = await pb.collection('users').authWithPassword('[email protected]', 'password');

const logout = async () => {

2. Working with Collections

Reactive List of Records

Use CollectionList<T> to track a collection reactively, where T is the type of the record.

import { CollectionList } from '$lib/pocketbase/CollectionList.svelte.js';

type TestRecord = { id: string; content: string };

const test = new CollectionList<TestRecord>({
    name: 'test',
    onInit: async (collection) => await collection.getFullList(),
    onUpdate: (record) => ({ ...record, updated: true }),
    onCreate: (record) => ({ ...record, new: true }),
    onDelete: (record) => console.log(`Record deleted: ${}`)
  • onInit(collection): An optional function that runs when the collection is initialized. It should return a list of records.
  • onUpdate(record): Called when a record is updated. Can modify and return the updated record.
  • onCreate(record): Called when a new record is created. Can modify and return the newly created record.
  • onDelete(record): Called when a record is deleted. Can be used for cleanup actions.

Render in a Svelte component:

    {#each test.records as record}

Creating a New Record

const createTest = async () => {
    await pb.collection('test').create({ content: 'test ' + Math.random() });

3. Working with a Single Record

Use CollectionRecord<T> to track a single record reactively, where T is the type of the record.

import { CollectionRecord } from '$lib/pocketbase/CollectionRecord.svelte.js';

type TestRecord = { id: string; content: string };

const record = new CollectionRecord<TestRecord>({
    name: 'test',
    recordId: '119p42gj5817e6u',
    onInit: async (collection) => await collection.getOne('119p42gj5817e6u'),
    onUpdate: (record) => ({ ...record, modified: true }),
    onCreate: (record) => ({ ...record, initialized: true }),
    onDelete: (record) => console.log(`Record ${} deleted`)
  • onInit(collection): Runs when the record is initialized. Should return the specific record.
  • onUpdate(record): Called when the record is updated. Can modify and return the updated record.
  • onCreate(record): Called when the record is created. Can modify and return the newly created record.
  • onDelete(record): Called when the record is deleted.

Render in a Svelte component:

<p>Record Content: {record.record?.content}</p>


  • 🔄 Reactive Collections & Records: Automatically update on changes.
  • 🔑 Authentication Handling: Tracks authenticated users.
  • 🔥 Real-time Updates: Uses PocketBase's subscription system.
  • 🏗 Lightweight & Modular: Designed for SvelteKit applications.

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