A reactive wrapper for PocketBase collections and records in SvelteKit, allowing automatic updates and reactivity.
Ensure you have pocketbase
npm install pocketbase
Then, add the wrapper files to your SvelteKit project.
provides a reactive user store and PocketBase instance. The PocketBase URL should be set via an environment variable:
export const pb = new PocketBase(process.env.POCKETBASE_URL);
Additionally, user.current
is a reactive store that holds the current authenticated user.
import { pb, user } from '$lib/pocketbase/pocketbase.svelte.js';
You can authenticate users:
const login = async () => {
const auth = await pb.collection('users').authWithPassword('[email protected]', 'password');
const logout = async () => {
Use CollectionList<T>
to track a collection reactively, where T
is the type of the record.
import { CollectionList } from '$lib/pocketbase/CollectionList.svelte.js';
type TestRecord = { id: string; content: string };
const test = new CollectionList<TestRecord>({
name: 'test',
onInit: async (collection) => await collection.getFullList(),
onUpdate: (record) => ({ ...record, updated: true }),
onCreate: (record) => ({ ...record, new: true }),
onDelete: (record) => console.log(`Record deleted: ${record.id}`)
Render in a Svelte component:
{#each test.records as record}
const createTest = async () => {
await pb.collection('test').create({ content: 'test ' + Math.random() });
Use CollectionRecord<T>
to track a single record reactively, where T
is the type of the record.
import { CollectionRecord } from '$lib/pocketbase/CollectionRecord.svelte.js';
type TestRecord = { id: string; content: string };
const record = new CollectionRecord<TestRecord>({
name: 'test',
recordId: '119p42gj5817e6u',
onInit: async (collection) => await collection.getOne('119p42gj5817e6u'),
onUpdate: (record) => ({ ...record, modified: true }),
onCreate: (record) => ({ ...record, initialized: true }),
onDelete: (record) => console.log(`Record ${record.id} deleted`)
Render in a Svelte component:
<p>Record Content: {record.record?.content}</p>