svelte-best-tabs-component Svelte Themes

Svelte Best Tabs Component

A flexible and easy-to-use Svelte tabs component that allows you to create tabbed interfaces.

Svelte Best Tabs Component

A flexible and easy-to-use Svelte tabs component that allows you to create tabbed interfaces.


To install this plugin, simply run the following command:

npm install --save svelte-best-tabs-component


Import and use the Tabs and TabItem components in your Svelte project.

    import Tabs from "svelte-best-tabs-component/Tabs.svelte";
    import TabItem from "svelte-best-tabs-component/TabItem.svelte";

    <TabItem title="General Data">
        Content here ...

    <TabItem title="Invoice">
        Another content here...



The Tabs component is a container for TabItem components. It manages the active tab state and provides context for the child components.

Prop Type Description Default
activeTabValue any The initial value of the active tab. If not provided, the first tab will be active. null


The TabItem component represents an individual tab within the Tabs component.

Prop Type Description Default
title string The title to be displayed in the tab header. ""
icon string An optional icon classname to be displayed in the tab header. ""
value any An optional unique value for the tab. If not provided, a unique Symbol will be generated. Symbol()


    import Tabs from "svelte-best-tabs-component/Tabs.svelte";
    import TabItem from "svelte-best-tabs-component/TabItem.svelte";

<Tabs activeTabValue="invoice">
    <TabItem title="General Data" value="general">
        Content for General Data tab...

    <TabItem title="Invoice" icon="ti ti-receipt" value="invoice">
        Content for Invoice tab...

In this example, the Tabs component has an initial active tab value of "invoice", which means that the second TabItem with the title "Invoice" will be active initially. The tabs also include an optional icon property, which renders an icon inside the tab header.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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