
'Svelte - The Complete' Guide course exercises and notes

Main Contents


  • Three basic projects that demonstrate the core Svelte syntax and logic


  • The main project built throughout this course, the original course project was made in an older version of Svelte and on Javascript, but my version was on the most recent as of writing this and using typescript, also tried to refactor the code whenever I saw fit to make it a bit more clean and cohesive.

  • Important to note that I've disabled the firebase backend write functionality so it's just readonly now, but all it's needed to replicate the backend is a firebase project with the (free) realtime database on the test mode, and after that it's just necessary to change the API URLs


  • Not a project but just some text notes I've made about some core concepts of Svelte, most of it is just stuff you can find online or in the documentation, but it serves as a study review.

Other Folders

  • For every other folder aside from those mentioned above, they contain the main project when the initial study of a concept was realized, so animations has animations notes and execises, state-stores has the stores section project and so on.

Notes in Code

  • To visualize notes right next to their example implementations that are scattered throughout this repository, I'd recommend using the VS Code extension 'Todo Tree', and then just filter for any comment with a 'NOTE' prefix to it.

  • You can also just search for 'NOTE ' (case sensitive and with the one whitespace afterwards) in the IDE of your choice and it should show every note in the project.

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