
Sveltekit Form Actions Inconsistency

Form Actions inconsistency

Depending on whether SSR is enabled or not, the Form Actions behave differently, and I don't mean the difference in response (rendered HTML vs. SPA shell).

After an action is invoked it can have three outcomes: success, error, or redirect. (in this scenraio fail is analogous to success — data is also missing)

With SSR the returned the responses make sense, i.e. success re-renders the page with the new data, error renders the error page, and the redirect redirects to a new page.

The problems start when SSR is disabled. Only the redirect works as expected. In both other cases it looks like a page reload, without any indication of change.

Because I found it hard to explain in prose, I wrote down what happens in order for each case, and I point out the inconsistencies in conclusion bellow.

With SSR

initial load:

  1. server load
  2. universal load on server
  3. universal load in browser (uses deserialized data from 2.)
  4. page:
    • data: PageData contains data returned from 3.
    • form: ActionData is null

after form submission:

  1. submission successful

    1. action
    2. server load
    3. universal load on server
    4. universal load in browser
    5. page: +page.svelte
      • data: PageData contains data returned from 4.
      • form: ActionData contains data returned from 1.
  2. action calls error

    1. action
    2. page: nearest +error.svelte
      • data: PageData is empty ({})
      • form: ActionData is null
  3. action calls redirect

    1. action
    2. page: +page.svelte for the redirected page
      • data: PageData is empty ({})
      • form: ActionData is null

Without SSR

initial load:

  1. server load
  2. universal load in browser
  3. page:
    • data: PageData contains data returned from 2.
    • form: ActionData is null

after form submission:

  1. submission successful

    1. action
      • response with 2XX status code
      • body is SPA shell
    2. server load (subsequent request from CSR/SPA)
      • SOME values from action are available: locals are empty; cookies are available [^1]
    3. universal load in browser
    4. page: +page.svelte
      • data: PageData contains data returned from 3.
      • form: ActionData is null

[^1]: makes sense, because the server load is a new request, and the cookies are sent with the request - locals are not

  1. action calls error

    1. action
      • response actually has the 4XX error code (visible in devtools)
      • but because the body is CSR/SPA, and not the +error.svelte page, the error is not displayed, and the page proceeds to load as on initial load
    2. server load (subsequent request from CSR/SPA)
      • SOME values from action are available: locals are empty; cookies are available [^1]
    3. universal load in browser
    4. page: +page.svelte
      • data: PageData contains data returned from 3.
      • form: ActionData is null
  2. action calls redirect

    1. action
      • response with 3XX status code and location
    2. page: +page.svelte for the location
      • data: PageData is empty ({})
      • form: ActionData is null
      • (assuming this route has no loads, otherwise they would be called as well)


I think there are two problems here:

  1. Missing error page

    already described here

  2. Missing ActionData

    I think the source of this inconsistency is that without SSR the actions respond immediately, without populating the data, form, etc. This of course can't happen because without SSR the same static HTML is always served. The solution is to use use:enhance

    I still think it would be nice if the ActionData (and then probably also data from server load) was available for the CSR.

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