WSL Backup Tool

WSL Backup Tool is a tool with GUI for easily creating and managing backups of your Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) distros.
Build with Wails, Svelte, TypeScript and GO.


  • Create backups of your entire WSL distro with just a few clicks.
  • Restore your distro to its previous state.
  • Manage your backup files.
  • Launch and stop distros from within the app.


Please note that WSL Backup Tool is currently in alpha state. If you encounter any bugs, please report them. Also keep in mind to have a second backup.


Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) version 2


  1. Download the app under Releases
  2. Select your backup folder under the "Settings" menu. (Your backup files will be stored in separate folders there)
  3. Start using the app: Launch distros, create backups, restore them, ...

The settings file is located under %AppData%\WSL Backup Tool.exe\settings\settings.json.


If you want to build the app on your own, please follow the steps on the Wails website

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