mySvelte Svelte Themes


just working through the tutorial and posting the code, also some conversations with my LLM buddies


just working through the tutorial and posting the code, also some conversations with my LLM buddies

From the tutorial:

This tutorial is split into four main parts:

Basic Svelte (you are here)
Advanced Svelte
Basic SvelteKit
Advanced SvelteKit

Each section will present an exercise designed to illustrate a feature. Later exercises build on the knowledge gained in earlier ones, so it’s recommended that you go from start to finish. If necessary, you can navigate via the menu above.


  1. organize into folders

  2. number all lessons sequentially from beginning

  3. post the initial problem in a file with .ts extension

  4. post any LLM conversations additional learnings in a same-named and same-numbered file with *.md extension

  5. N.B. ChatGPT gives answers to HTML/CSS/JS questions that get rendered inconsistently by Firefox and one expects, other browsers. The only way to solve this is to man-up and use the API and receive the response back in JSON. That will be another repo on this long-deferred step-up.

There is no actual need for me to copy this code since it is already in it's just an internal discipline to stay focused and work through the tutorial

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