


git pull
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build db flower redis web worker


Create python environment

  • python3 -m venv env
  • source env/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure project

  • cp django_bikes/template.env django_bikes/.env
  • Edit this new file and fill the required values.
    • USE_CACHE enable cache when filled with any value
    • SITE_NAME used for displaying the site name
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD is not required in development mode (using SQLite3)
    • SENDGRID_KEY is not required in development mode (using Maildev). See
    • SECRET_KEY can be generated using python :
      >>> from import get_random_secret_key
      >>> get_random_secret_key()

Build the webapp

  • cd webapp
  • npm i
  • npm run build

Build the email

  • cd email_builder
  • npm i
  • npm run build

Start the server

  • ./ createsuperuser
  • ./ migrate
  • ./ runserver

Many side tools are used in this project. You should have a working docker install to be able to use them.

Redis Redis is used as a message queue for notifications and for worker actions. It is also used for caching. To run: docker run -p 6379:6379 redis

Celery worker A celery worker performs slow background actions, such as parsing GPX files. Depends on: redis To run: celery -A django_bike worker --loglevel=info

Maildev Maildev is a local mail SMTP and client to test sending emails locally. You can see your mail box at To run: docker run -p 1081:80 -p 25:25 maildev/maildev

Releasing a new version

  • poetry version major|minor|patch
  • Write release-notes/x.y.z.yml release note with the correct date.
  • Create a PR


Flower Flower helps you monitor you workers and your Redis messages. The site will work the same if not activated. Depends on: redis To run: celery flower -A django_bike


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