This is a proof of concept for implementing partial hydration in Svelte in the form of a Vite plugin.
Partial hydration (or partial rehydration) is an attempt to solve the "rehydration problem"*. This is when a site is rendered on the server and then "rehydrated" on the client which can cause significant delay in "Time to Interactive" (i.e. all HTML is rendered immediately but static until all JavaScript has been executed).
Ordinary hydration has a single root node and one object with data to hydrate the markup. Not only can this cause a delay in interactivity but also risks sending unused JavaScript to the client.
This implementation of partial hydration is also inspired by (and ended up looking a lot like) a concept called "Island Architecture" where static HTML (rendered server-side) is supplemented by multiple (or just one, or none) interactive, JavaScript-reliant modules.
In our final HTML, a "partial hydration" component looks like this:
"author":"Jamie Zawinski",
"quote":"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.",
<button>New quote</button>
"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems."
<p>- Jamie Zawinski</p>
The "data-props" data-attribute and the markup is generated server-side whereas the interactivity is provided by the "data-component" which links to a JavaScript file.
* More info on the rehydration problem:
The Vite plugin (src/vite-plugin-svelte-partial-hydration/index.ts) runs before the official Svelte Vite plugin. It picks up any imported Svelte modules with the "!mount" argument in the "resolveId" hook.
Then, in the "load" hook, it checks if the import contains either
The index.html has one script file: /src/entry-client.ts, which calls the function found in /src/client/hydrate.ts.
hydrate.ts finds every instance of
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd svelte-partial-hydration-vite
Install dependencies
pnpm install
npm install / yarn
Start the server
pnpm dev
Generate production build
pnpm dev:prod
Client: Svelte, TypeScript
Server: Express
Build tool: Vite
Other packages used:
nanoid (for randomized ids used by partial components),
compression, sirv (for SSR dev server),
isomorphic-unfetch (fetch function on server)