
Svelte Cookie Consent

A simple svelte component that displays a cookie consent banner for users


I could not find a good solution for my SvelteKit project, where i could ask a user for tracking and advertising consent. So i made one.


You can install it, right from NPM

npm i @manchtools/svelte-cookie-consent@latest

You have access to 11 exports that control the consent banner behavior.

<CookieConsentBanner>   | Svelte component
<TrackingHead>          | Svelte component
<TrackingBody>          | Svelte component
<AdvertismentHead>      | Svelte component
<AdvertismentBody>      | Svelte component
<MarketingHead>         | Svelte component (new in v0.2.0)
<MarketingBody>         | Svelte component (new in v0.2.0)
trackingConsent         | Svelte store
advertisingConsent      | Svelte store
marketingConsent        | Svelte Store (new in v0.2.0)
cookieConsentSeen       | Svelte store
resetCookieBanner       | function that removes all cookies and resets banner to default

Cookies get an expiration date of 365 days. After that time period, the user will be asked for consent again.


This is the main banner that your users sees when first loading your site.

Dark version

Light version

It provides 8 named slots


You can insert your own text or HTML into these slots to extend it for your needs.

New in v0.2.0 are now 3 props

showAdvertisingOption   | Default true
showMarketingOption     | Default true
showTrackingOption      | Default true

Passing false to any of these props will remove them from the banner and a user wont be able to consent to that form of data collection

<Banner showAdvertisingOption={false} showMarketingOption={false} showTrackingOption={false}>

If you pass {false} to every prop, the user will only see the option from slot denyConsentText


The banner contains the following styles as CSS root variables that can be replaced to fit your color schema.

--ccb-dark-color-bg: #121212;
--ccb-light-color-bg: #ffffff;
--ccb-dark-color-text: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.8);
--ccb-light-color-text: #000000;
--ccb-dark-color-border: #ffffff;
--ccb-light-color-border: #000000;
--ccb-light-color-button-text: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
--ccb-dark-color-button-text: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.85);
--ccb-allow-all-button: #38b000;
--ccb-allow-selected-button: #ff9500;
--ccb-deny-button: #bd1f36;

TrackingHead, AdvertismentHead and MarketingHead

You can place any content inside these components that needs to be inside your <head>. You can place it inside your root layout, or on a page by page basis.

Content inside this component, only gets injected once the user has given consent.

TrackingBody, AdvertismentBody and MarketingBody

You can place any content inside these components that needs to be inside your <body>. You can place it inside your root layout, or on a page by page basis. It will be inserted like a normal component so order matters.

Content inside this component only gets injected once the user has given consent.

trackingConsent, advertisingConsent and marketingConsent

These stores contain the user selection as a boolean value. You can use them inside your JavaScript/TypeScript to dynamically have access to user consents, or build your own custom components.


This store is just for triggering the CookieConsentBanner. If value is false, banner will get displayed, else banner won't be shown.

Cookies that get set on client

The following cookies get set in the client Browser, after the user has interacted with the cookie consent banner.

tracking-cookie-consent         | Default false
advertising-cookie-consent      | Default false
marketing-cookie-consent        | Default false
cookie-banner-seen              | Default false

Legal disclaimer

This tool tries to adhere to GDPR best practices. We are not responsible for any legal liability you may encounter whilst using this tool. You are fully responsible for checking all legal repercussions before implementing this tool

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