

Web app for creating to/since date timers. No ads. No login. No nothing.


Clear and simple web application for creating timers to/since any date. No login. No ads.

See it in action on https://timerto.xyz

... or create your own private copy.

Created to learn how Svelte works... and it works great.

Build with svelte, moment, tailwind & webpack

Icons feather icons

Illustrations by unDraw


  • Application does take time into account.
  • Only en-US locale is available.
  • No recurring events (eq. birthdays)
  • Events are stored in local storage. So it's not possible to open a timer from browser different than the one it was created in.


Install the dependencies...

cd timerto.xyz
yarn install

...then start webpack:

yarn dev

Navigate to localhost:8080. You should see your app running.

Deploy to the web with Now.sh

See Now for more details

yarn run now login


yarn run now

Adding your own Google Analytics

It's possible to integrate your own instance with Google Analytics. Its possible by adding .config.json file with analytics id.

Create config file (will be ignored by git)

touch .config.json.

And add you analytics id's for production and dev (optional).

  "html_prod": {
    "analyticsId": "XX-xxxxxxxxxx-x"
  "html": {
    "analyticsId": "XX-xxxxxxxxxx-x"

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