Gaming Solution Server API.

Required headers

HTTP Headers

  1. 'GF-API-KEY': 'abcedef'
  2. 'GF-AFFILIATE-CODE': 'abcde'

This is the value the client needs to communicate with the server. The value for each client is different. Please manage your affiliate code and API key through Sveltekit's env.

Casino API

Get casino list

  • endpoint: /api/casino/list
  • method: post
  • data: search: { order: string, <-- all, popular, recommended, random title: string, vendor: string[], type: string[], page: number }
  • description : page starts at 0, and no object should have undefined.


    list: [
            idx: number,
            game_id: string,
            title: string,
            provider: string,
            thumnail: string,
            vendor: string,
            type: string,
            is_open: string,
            reg_date: string
    totalNumber: number <- Number of total lists


Get filter menu

  • endpoint: /api/casino/filter-menu
  • method: post
  • description: Brings up the Filters menu data.
    type: [{name: string}],
    vendor: [{name: string}]

Casino Launch

  • endpoint: /api/casino/launch
  • method: post
  • data: idx(number)/, nick (string)


    link: string


Get info

  • endpoint: /api/casino/info
  • method: post
  • data: idx


  title: string,
  thumbnail: string,
  vendor: string,
  type: string


Get bet result list

  • endpoint: /api/casino/bet-result
  • method: post


        title: string,
        nick: string,
        betAmount: number,
        profitAmount: number

update ui data with

    //Returned data/data to be inserted into table

    import { socket } from '$lib/utils/socketConnection';

    const data = {
        title: string,
        nick: string,
        betAmount: number,
        multiplier: string,
        profitAmount: number

    socket.emit('updateLatestBets', data); //send data to server

    //Listen incoming data broadcasted from server
    socket.on('updateLatestBets', async (data) => {

        //Use the data (insert into the table with svelte)

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