
Template Sveltekit Package

A GitHub template for SvelteKit packages.


This is a SvelteKit package project which I use as a GitHub template:

Keeping dependencies up-to-date

I update dependencies regularly. These are the steps:

  1. Run pnpm create svelte@latest . to regenerate the SvelteKit skeleton project into the existing directory.
  2. Where should we create your project? Hit enter to use the current directory.
  3. Directory not empty. Continue? Yes.
  4. Which Svelte app template? Library project.
  5. Add type checking with TypeScript? Yes, using JavaScript with JSDoc comments.
  6. Add ESLint and Prettier.
  7. Revert README.md.
  8. Delete folder node_modules and file pnpm-lock.yaml and run pnpm i.

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