svelte-gallery Svelte Themes

Svelte Gallery

Intelligent masonry style photo gallery that maintains image aspect ratios in perfect rows

Svelte Gallery

Intelligent masonry-style photo gallery that maintains image aspect ratios in perfect rows. Svelte gallery analyses a graph of all possible row combinations to find the ideal gallery layout based on a target row height.

Originally forked from fergaldoyle/image-masonry, svelte-gallery is a full rewrite taking the core layout logic and focussing on an updated, maintained svelte implementation.


npm i svelte-gallery
  import Gallery from 'svelte-gallery';

  const images = [
    { src: '', width: 600, height: 400 },
    { src: '', width: 400, height: 600 },
    { src: '', width: 800, height: 1200 },
    { src: '', width: 300, height: 200 }

<Gallery {images} />


Property Description Type Default
images Images to display. Must (native) width and height values HTMLImageElement[] []
rowHeight Ideal row height to aim for in px number 220
gutter Gap between images in the gallery in px number 8
imageComponent Optional custom image component, passed all props in images array SvelteComponent img

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