AGCN Svelte Themes


AGCN is a simple, lightweight JavaScript utility that helps website owners and developers inform their visitors when content on the site has been generated by AI.

AGCN (AI-Generated Content Notifier)

AGCN is a simple, lightweight JavaScript utility that helps website owners and developers inform their visitors when content on the site has been generated by AI. With the rise of AI-generated content, it's crucial to be transparent with users. This tool offers a way to disclose AI involvement in content creation in a user-friendly way.

View Demo

[!TIP] A WordPress plugin for AGCN is now available! Visit the WordPress Plugin Repository for easy integration with WordPress sites.

[!NOTE] Plesae note that this is a beta version and may contain bugs, incomplete features, or other issues. Please report any issues you encounter.

Table of Contents

Key Benefits

  • Builds user trust by promoting AI transparency.
  • Helps websites comply with potential future AI transparency regulations.
  • Simple setup with minimal code footprint.


  • Easily integrates into any website.
  • Displays a notification banner beside AI-generated content.
  • Customizable appearance and message.


The widget is designed with accessibility in mind. The modal dialog includes ARIA attributes to ensure that it is accessible to all users. The modal is also focus-trapped to prevent users from tabbing outside the modal. The badge and modal are keyboard accessible, and the modal can be closed using the escape key.

Svelte as a Framework

The widget is built using Svelte, a modern web framework that compiles to highly optimized vanilla JavaScript. Svelte is a great choice for building web components and widgets due to its simplicity and performance. The widget is compiled to a standalone JavaScript file that can be easily included in any website.

Read more about Svelte


The badge is a small clickable element that appears on the edge of the screen. It can be configured to appear in different positions:

  • top-right
  • bottom-right
  • top-left
  • bottom-left

Information Modal

The information modal is a dialog that provides detailed information about the website's use of AI. It includes a title, body content, and sections that can be expanded to show more details. The modal is accessible and includes ARIA attributes and focus trapping to ensure a good user experience.

Notice Element

Notices are elements that can be placed anywhere on the page using the data-ai-content attribute. They display different types of notices based on the content provided in the configuration.


You can include AGCN in your project by linking directly to the CDN or by downloading the script.

Add this to your HTML before the closing </body> tag:

<script src=""></script>

Local Installation

  1. Download the latest version from the Releases.
  2. Link to the script in your HTML file:
<script src="path/to/agcn.min.js"></script>


To enable the widget, simply add the following JavaScript to your webpage:

const widget = new AGCN();

This will create a new instance of the AGCN widget with the default configuration. The widget will automatically add the badge to the screen and display the modal when clicked.

You can customize the widget by passing a configuration object to the AGCN constructor. For example:

const widget = new AGCN({
  config: {
  content: {


The widget can be configured using the following options:

  • config: An object containing configuration options such as language, badge position, support, and whether to show the badge.

  • content: An object containing the content to be displayed in the modal and notices. This includes the header, title, body, sections, and notices.


Option Type Description Default
language string The language to use for the widget. 'en'
showBadge boolean Whether to show the badge on the screen. true
badgePosition string The position of the badge on the screen. 'top-right'
support boolean Powered-by link to Macnoc. true


Each language has its own content configuration. For example, the English content configuration would look like this:

const widget = new AGCN({
  config: {
  content: {
    en: {
    fr: {

The content object contains the following options:

Option Type Description Default
header string The header text for the modal. 'AI Contributions on This Page'
title string The title of the modal. 'Our AI Helps Improve Your Experience'
body string The body text of the modal. Html is supported. 'This website uses AI to enhance the user experience.'
sectionsHeader string The header text for the sections in the modal. 'Below are some ways AI contributes to your experience:'
sections array An array of objects representing sections in the modal. []


Each section object contains the following options:

Option Type Description Default
slug string The uniq id for the section ''
noticeText string The text shown in the notice linked to this section ''
title string The title of the section. 'Section Title'
body string The content of the section. Html is supported. 'Section content goes here.'


Here is an example of how to configure the widget with custom content:

const widget = new AGCN({
    config: {
        language: "en",
        support: true,
        showBadge: true
    content: {
        en: {
            header: "AI Contributions on This Page",
            title: "Our AI Helps Improve Your Experience",
            body: "This website uses AI to enhance the user experience. AI helps generate, modify, personalize, recommend, and assist in creating content.",
            sectionsHeader: "Below are some ways AI contributes to your experience:",
            sections: [
                    slug: "generated",
                    noticeText: "AI Personalized Content"
                    title: "Personalized Content Suggestions",
                    body: "Our AI algorithms analyze your browsing behavior to provide personalized content suggestions."
                    slug: "recommended",
                    noticeText: "AI Recommended Content"
                    title: "Recommended Products",
                    body: "Our AI system recommends products based on your browsing history and preferences."

Notice HTML Attribute

The notice element is a simple way to display AI-generated content notices on the page. You can add a notice to any element by adding the data-ai-content attribute with the section slug as the value. For example:

<div data-ai-content="generated">...</div>

You can position the notice element by adding the data-agcn-position attribute with one of the following values:

  • left (default)
  • right
  • center


The widget includes global styles for consistent design. You can customize the appearance of the widget by overriding the default styles in your CSS file. Please override CSS variables to customize the widget's appearance.

CSS Variables

The following CSS variables are available for customization:

.agcn-variables {
  --main-color: #0ea5e9;
  --badge-color: #f1f5f9;
  --badge-bg-color: #1e293b;
  --badge-bg-color-hover: #0f172a;
  --badge-border-color: #334155;
  --badge-offset: 8rem;

  --modal-color: #0ea5e9;
  --modal-bg-color: #f8fafc;
  --modal-border-color: #cbd5e1;
  --modal-icon-color: #f1f5f9;
  --modal-support-color: #94a3b8;
  --modal-accordion-open-bg-color: #f1f5f9;

  --notice-color: #64748b;
  --notice-bg-color: #f1f5f9;
  --notice-border-color: #cbd5e1;

Dark Mode

The widget includes a dark mode with prefers-color-scheme: dark media query. You can customize the dark mode styles by overriding the default css variables in your CSS file.

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  .agcn-variables {
    /* ... */

AGCN class

The AGCN class is the main class that creates the widget. It has several methods for initializing, updating, and destroying the widget.

init(config | object)

The init method initializes the widget and adds the badge to the screen. It also sets up event listeners for the badge and modal.


  • config (object): An object containing configuration options for the widget.

update(config | object)

The update method updates the widget with new configuration options. It deep merges the new options with the existing options and updates the badge and modal with the new configuration.


  • config (object): An object containing configuration options to update the widget.

openModal(slug | string | optional)

The openModal method opens the information modal.


  • slug (string): The slug for the section to be opened.


The destroy method removes the badge from the screen and cleans up event listeners.


Feel free to fork the project, submit issues, and open pull requests. If you have any improvements or bug fixes, don’t hesitate to contribute!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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