
Svelte Plotly.js

Unofficial Plotly package for Svelte and SvelteKit.

Plotly.js for Svelte

This is an unofficial package that lets you efficiently use plotly.js inside your Svelte or SvelteKit app.


  1. Install using yarn add svelte-plotly.js or npm install svelte-plotly.js.
  2. Choose a Plotly distribution:
    • If you want to use plotly.js-dist, just install it.
    • If you want to use a different distribution, take a look at this section.
  3. Use in your app:
<script lang="ts">
  import Plot from 'svelte-plotly.js';

  const data = [
      x: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      y: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]

    margin: { t: 0 }

Custom Plotly distribution

Let's say you want to use svelte-plotly.js with a custom Plotly.js distribution, for example plotly.js-basic-dist-min. If you use Vite for bundling, the recommended way to do this would be to install plotly.js-basic-dist-min and then register it as an alias for plotly.js-dist by adding the following to your vite.config.js:

resolve: {
  alias: {
    "plotly.js-dist": "plotly.js-basic-dist-min",
    lodash: "lodash-es",

If you don't use Vite, or this approach doesn't work for you, you can also use the libPlotly prop of the Plotly component:

<script lang="ts">
  import Plot from 'svelte-plotly.js';
  import libPlotly from 'plotly.js-basic-dist-min';

<Plot {libPlotly} ... />


Prop Type Description
required data Data[] array of trace data, see
layout Partial<Layout> layout of the plot, see
config Partial<Config> configuration, see
class string class that will be passed to the HTML element wrapping the plot
fillParent boolean | 'width' | 'height' automatically resize the plot to fill the width and/or height of its parent element
debounce number | DebounceOptions debounce all changes to the plot
libPlotly Plotly | null | undefined an alternative Plotly bundle to use; if undefined, it defaults to the plotly.js-dist package; if null, no plot will be drawn and no library will be downloaded
bind:element HTMLDivElement the HTML element wrapping the plot
bind:plot PlotlyHTMLElement the inner HTML element containing the plot


NOTE: Due to Plotly's atrocious documentation, most events aren't even mentioned anywhere. Links to source code are provided as the bare minimum information about each event.

Prop Callback argument Description
on:afterExport ?
on:afterPlot triggers each time a chart is plotted, or re-plotted after the restyling or relayout of a plot (docs), (src)
on:animated triggers once an animation finished playing (demo), (docs), (src 1), (src 2)
on:animating ? (src)
on:animatingFrame FrameAnimationEvent ? (src)
on:animationInterrupted ? (src)
on:autoSize ? (docs)
on:beforeExport ?
on:beforeHover PlotMouseEvent ?
on:beforePlot BeforePlotEvent ? (src)
on:buttonClicked ButtonClickedEvent ?
on:click PlotMouseEvent ? (docs 1), (docs 2)
on:clickAnnotation ClickAnnotationEvent ?
on:deselect ? (docs)
on:doubleClick ? (docs)
on:framework ?
on:hover PlotHoverEvent ? (docs)
on:legendClick LegendClickEvent ? (docs)
on:legendDoubleClick LegendClickEvent ? (docs)
on:react PlotUpdateEvent ?
on:redraw ? (docs)
on:relayout PlotRelayoutEvent ? (docs)
on:relayouting PlotRelayoutEvent ? (docs)
on:restyle PlotRestyleEvent ? (docs)
on:selected PlotSelectionEvent ? (docs)
on:selecting PlotSelectionEvent ? (docs)
on:sliderChange SliderChangeEvent ?
on:sliderEnd SliderEndEvent ?
on:sliderStart SliderStartEvent ?
on:sunburstClick SunburstClickEvent ?
on:transitioned ?
on:transitioning ?
on:transitionInterrupted ?
on:unhover PlotMouseEvent ?
on:update PlotUpdateEvent ?
on:webGLContextLost ? (docs)


  • add autosizing
  • add debouncing
  • add event redirecting
  • add unit tests
  • add SSR rendering to an image

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