abstract-factory-demo Svelte Themes

Abstract Factory Demo

This repository contains a demonstration of the Abstract Factory design pattern in software development.

Abstract Factory Pattern Demo with Svelte

This repository contains a demonstration of the Abstract Factory design pattern in software development.

Main Files


  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { createFactory } from './factory';

  let product;
  let selectedProductType = 'ProductTypeA';

  const productTypes = ['ProductTypeA', 'ProductTypeB', 'ProductTypeC', 'ProductTypeD'];

  function createProduct() {
    try {
      const factory = createFactory(selectedProductType);
      product = factory.createProduct();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error creating product:', error);
      product = null;

  onMount(() => {

  <h1>Abstract Factory Demo</h1>
  <select bind:value={selectedProductType} on:change={createProduct}>
    {#each productTypes as type}
      <option value={type}>{type}</option>
  {#if product}
    <p>Product created: {product.name}</p>
    <p>Unknown product. Add ProductTypeDFactory to the factory file</p>

  main {
    text-align: center;
    padding: 1em;
    max-width: 240px;
    margin: 0 auto;

  h1 {
    color: #ff3e00;


export function createFactory(type) {
  switch (type) {
    case 'ProductTypeA':
      return new ProductTypeAFactory();
    case 'ProductTypeB':
      return new ProductTypeBFactory();
    case 'ProductTypeC':
      return new ProductTypeCFactory();
      throw new Error('Unknown product type');

class ProductTypeAFactory {
  createProduct() {
    return { name: 'Product A' };

class ProductTypeBFactory {
  createProduct() {
    return { name: 'Product B' };

class ProductTypeCFactory {
  createProduct() {
    return { name: 'Product C' };



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