

This is a monorepo for the Fridge Magnets game, with both the server-side and client-side code.

Fridge Magnets

An online word game based on the amazing Ransom Notes

Project Description

This is a monorepo which contains the full game code. This includes the:

This project is still very much in an early development state, so please take that with caution!

Last year, my wife bought the Ransom Notes card game based on a very convincing ad. Unfortunately, we also have a lot of internet friends


Top priorities for a functional game:

  • Private rooms and room codes
    • Right now, there is one join button which either joins an open room or creates a new one, meaning there are no private rooms.
  • Prompts
    • I'm trying to avoid using Ransom Notes' prompts as they are covered under copyright. If you would like to contribute prompts, please keep that in mind!
  • More and better words
  • Voting during the showcase round
    • I'm thinking thumbs up and thumbs down
  • Scoring
    • Requires voting to be implemented

Secondary priorities

  • Animations and sounds
    • The game works without these, but it would be much better with them!
  • Timers
    • Everything depends on the host (whoever created the room) right now
  • Better Styling
    • Definitely subjective - the current styling is fine. It just could be better imo!

Low priorities

  • Edit player name after join
  • Alternate game modes
    • User-made prompts
    • Different prompt for each player
    • Quiplash-style head-to-head prompts
    • A drawing mode?
      • Players make a drawing or two, then they get split into pieces and distributed among players, who then combine pieces to respond to prompts
  • Re-assign host manually (already happens automatically if host disconnects)

Running your own game instance

You can run your own instance by cloning this server, and running the following commands in the repo root:

pnpm run build
pnpm run start

This will serve the client and server on your local machine on whichever port is in the $PORT env variable, or 42824 if there is none.

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