svelte-demo Svelte Themes

Svelte Demo

Multi-page demo built Svelte 3.x and Rollup with code-splitting

Svelte Demo

Multi-page Svelte 3.x application, built with Rollup and code-splitting enabled.


  • Rollup
  • Svelte 3.x
  • Live-reload dev server
  • Navaid for client-side routing
  • Familiar module-context preload() helper

TypeScript?: Check out the typescript branch~!


$ npm install
# or
$ pnpm install
# or
$ yarn install


Spawns a localhost devserver, which automatically reloads whenever contents within the public directory change.

Note: Listens on localhost:5000 by default; use PORT to modify the port.

$ npm run dev
# or
$ pnpm dev
# or
$ yarn dev

# Modify the port
$ PORT=8080 yarn dev


Builds the project for production.

All output assets are available in the public directory.


MIT © Luke Edwards

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