A port of prism-react-renderer to svelte.
## Why?In contrast to other svelte prismjs libraries this library doesn't generate HTML and inject it as raw HTML. As it tries to have an API similar to prism-react-renderer
you can customize how your code is displayed using the default slot.
You have to install prismjs
along with prism-svelte-renderer
. You also have to make sure that the languages you want to use are registered as well.
Import PrismJS and prism-svelte-rnederer
import Prism from "prismjs";
import Highlight from "prism-svelte-renderer";
Import a theme:
import theme from "prism-svelte-renderer/themes/dracula";
Add the following to your template code:
<div style="background-color: {theme.plain.backgroundColor}">
<Highlight {theme} {Prism} text={simpleExample} language=html />
You can provide a slot along with the component if you want to customize how your code is rendered.
The following code will display line-numbers:
<div style="background-color: {theme.plain.backgroundColor}" class="wrapper">
{#each lines as line, index}
<div class="line">
<div class="line-number">{index + 1}</div>
{#each line as token}
color: {getStyle(token, 'color')};
font-style: {getStyle(token, 'fontStyle')};">