Pollen.jl frontend

This is the SvelteKit frontend for building rich documentation websites using Pollen.jl.


Clone the repository and install the npm dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/lorenzoh/pollenjl-frontend
cd pollenjl-frontend
npm install


To develop this frontend, first start the Pollen.jl dev server for your project, without serving a frontend:

using Pollen
Pollen.servedocs(@__MODULE__, MyPackage; frontend=false)

This will be running on localhost:8000.

Then run the Svelte dev server in this repo:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:3000 to see your page.


This frontend can be prerendered to static pages for deployment on GitHub Pages.

First we build the Pollen.jl project as JSON files to the frontend's static assets directory:

Pollen.build(FileBuilder(JSONFormat(), "path/to/pollenjl-frontend/static"), project)

And then we can run SvelteKit's build step to prerender:

npm run build

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