A URL shortener application build with ExpressJS, Redis and SvelteKit. Shorten URLs and also get link visit history.
Here's a short video that explains the project and how it uses Redis:
The project uses redis json to store Url records. Each record has following properties
To easily work with redis project uses Redis OM for Node.js.
Schema definition
// server/app/om/url.js
import { Entity, Schema } from 'redis-om'
import client from './client.js'
class Url extends Entity { }
const urlSchema = new Schema(Url, {
originalUrl: { type: 'string' },
shortName: { type: 'string' },
createdAt: { type: 'date' },
updatedAt: { type: 'date' },
export const urlRepository = client.fetchRepository(urlSchema)
await urlRepository.createIndex()
Add new Url record
When app receives a request to create new record, it validates the request and then creates the record using urlRepository as the following
// server/app/routers/url-router.js
router.post('/urls/', async (req, res) => {
// validate request confirm the shortName is available
// also generate short if not provided
const url = await urlRepository.createAndSave({
originalUrl: originalUrl,
shortName: shortName,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date()
The project also uses RedisTimeSeries to store the usage data for the Urls. Three different time series are created for each Url record.
// server/app/routers/url-router.js
router.post('/urls/', async (req, res) => {
// Timeseries to store data every time a URL is hit, that is retained
// for 28 hours and is used to generate hourly usage chart for Url
await client.ts.create(url.entityId, {
RETENTION: 28 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
// Timeseries to aggregate the above data calculating the sum of all
// the hits every hour and is retained for 33 days.
// It is used to display the daily usage chart for Url
await client.ts.create(url.entityId+":hourly", {
RETENTION: 33 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
// Rule to aggregate hourly data and store it
await client.ts.createRule(url.entityId, url.entityId+":hourly", "SUM", 3600000)
// Time series to incrementally keep the record of total hits, retained
// indefinitely
await client.ts.create(url.entityId+":hits")
And every time a shortcut is used, these metrics gets collected as the following
// server/app/routers/url-router.js -> redirect
// Realtime hits data
await client.ts.add(url.entityId, new Date().getTime(), 1)
// Total hits always incremented
await client.ts.incrBy(url.entityId + ":hits", 1)
Redirect to Url when short name is provided
We search the Url repository using the given short name and if the record is found and exists, we use the originalLink present in the record to redirect
// server/app/routers/url-router.js
const redirect = async (req, res) => {
// search by shortName and return the first match
const url = await urlRepository.search().where('shortName').eq(req.params.shortName).return.first();
// throw 404 if record is not found
if(!url) {
return res.status(404).send("URL not found");
// Update Timeseries if record is found
await client.ts.add(url.entityId, new Date().getTime(), 1)
await client.ts.incrBy(url.entityId + ":hits", 1)
// redirect to the originalUrl
Get history of all the short Urls created
We return all the records using the search on urlRepository.
// server/app/routers/url-router.js
const getUrls = async (req, res, next) => {
if(req.params.shortName === "urls") {
let urls = await urlRepository.search().return.all()
urls = urls.map((url) => ({
id: url.entityId,
shortName: url.shortName,
originalUrl: url.originalUrl,
shortUrl: baseUrl + "/" + url.shortName,
createdAt: url.createdAt,
updatedAt: url.updatedAt
return res.send(urls)
Get hourly/daily metrics of a Url
The hourly metrics is recrived from the realtime timeseries data, aggregating hourly during the request as the following
router.get('/urls/:id/usage', async (req, res) => {
// fetch URL using the repository
const url = await urlRepository.fetch(req.params.id);
// throw error if it doesn't exist
try {
let from = Math.min(url.createdAt, new Date().getTime() - 24 * 3600000);
// normalize to hour
from = Math.floor(from / 3600000) * 3600000;
const to = Math.ceil(new Date() / 3600000) * 3600000;
const data = await client.ts.range(url.entityId, from, to, {
type: "SUM",
timeBucket: 60 * 60 * 1000
// Fily empty dataset with 0s
const hours = [];
for(let i = from; i <= to; i += 3600000) {
hours.push(new Date(i))
const usage = hours.map((hour) => {
const hourData = data.find((d) => d.timestamp == hour.getTime())
return {
datetime: hour.toString(),
timestamp: hour.getTime(),
value: hourData ? hourData.value : 0
// Also get total hits
const hits = await client.ts.get(url.entityId+":hits")
usage: usage,
hits: hits?.value ?? 0,
url: {
id: url.entityId,
shortName: url.shortName,
originalUrl: url.originalUrl,
shortUrl: baseUrl + "/" + url.shortName,
createdAt: url.createdAt,
updatedAt: url.updatedAt,
} catch(e) {
res.status(500).send({error: 'Unexpected error'})
To retrieve the daily usage we use the exact same workflow, however we use the hourly timeseries and aggregate for every day during the request like we aggregate for every hour above.
First, clone the repository from github
git clone https://github.com/lohanidamodar/redis-hack-urlshortner
Go to redis-hack-urlshortner/server
# Go to server folder
cd redis-hack-urlshortner/server
# environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# run the server stack
docker compose up -d
View logs to verify the server is running
docker compose logs app
And you should see the output similar to the following.
server-app-1 | Server started at 8000
Go to the client directory and install dependencies
# Go to client directory
cd redis-hack-urlshortner/client
# install dependencies
npm install
Copy the default .env.example as .env
cp .env.example .env
Run the dev script to start the development server
npm run dev
You should see the output similar to the following.
VITE v3.0.8 ready in 722 ms
➜ Local:
➜ Network: use --host to expose
Visit the provided link in your browser, you should see the home page
. It is required to successfully connect to redisTo make deploys work, you need to create free account on Redis Cloud
Here some resources to help you quickly get started using Redis Stack. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the Redis Discord or on Twitter.
The above videos and guides should be enough to get you started in your desired language/framework. From there you can expand and develop your app. Use the resources below to help guide you further: