create-coreln-app Svelte Themes

Create Coreln App

Boilerplate for creating a CoreLN web app with Sveltekit

Create CoreLN App

This is a simple boilerplate repo that can be a good starting point for building a web app that connects directly to CoreLN nodes via the encrypted Lightning Network messaging protocol. It uses Lnmessage to establish a websocket connection via a direct connection if a WS port is exposed on the node. Alternatively it can be modified to connect via a trustless WS -> TCP proxy for production deploys.

The frontend tech stack uses Sveltekit, a web framework built around Svelte that can be configured as a Single Page or Server Side Rendered app or anywhere in between.

TypeScript is configured to enforce types.

I have added a service worker with just the basic Svelte recommended offline caching setup as well as a manifest file to make it a Progressive Web App.

For styling Tailwind CSS has been added which makes styling and theming pretty easy.

Playwright and Vite test have been setup for testing.

Linting and code formatting are setup with ESLint and Prettier and can be modified as needed.

Get started

  1. Clone (or Fork) the repo
git clone
cd create-core-ln-app
  1. Install the dependencies
npm i
  1. Start the app in dev mode
npm run dev
  1. Open up http://localhost:5173 in your browser

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