
Svelte Typescript Template

Svelte TypeScript Rollup Mocha BoilerPlate!

Svelte TypeScript Rollup Mocha BoilerPlate!

This is intended to be a BoilerPlate starter kit to get up and running with the following technologies wrapped into a ready to deploy project.

Svelte 3, TypeScript, Rollup, Babel, Prettier, GitHub Actions, Firebase Hosting, Mocha/Chai Testing


The only requirements to run this template is to have node and npm installed.


git clone
mv svelte-typescript-template <YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>
npm i
npm run dev


You can run tests in debug mode by using VSCode debugger with Ctrl F5 or running these commands.

npm t
npm run coverage

GitHub Actions w Firebase CI/CD

Create a new firebase project.

Copy Project ID to .firebaserc

Copy secret token by running this command and paste it into GitHub repo settings secrets.

firebase login:ci

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