Svelte minimal starter pack

This is my boilerplate for different Admin UIs and simple projects implemented with Svelte.

It includes very basic things: infrastructure and very basic set of UI, literally only buttons and modals.


  • Webpack as a builder,
  • TypeScript as main language,
  • LESS as a stylesheet preprocessor (rather basic, so could by easily replaced with SASS or whatever),
  • Svelte, and
  • ESLint as a linter.

Things included


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run 'npm install' in the local copy (I hope you have NodeJS and NPM installed =)
  3. Use one of:
    • npm run build for production build
    • npm run dev for development build (no minification)
    • npm run watch for development build + watch mode
    • npm run start for live server on http://localhost:3030/
    • docker* (see below)



To generate dist folder without installing NPM packages and adding local garbage, use these commands:

  1. Build image: docker build -f -t svelte-min-pack . in the project folder.
  2. Run container: docker run --name temp svelte-min-pack
  3. Copy dist folder from container: docker cp temp:/app/dist ./dist
  4. Remove the container: docker rm temp
  5. Remove the image: docker image rm svelte-min-pack


  1. Run docker_build.cmd script.

Docker compose

Production mode

In root folder run docker-compose up to build the files. Result will be placed into dist folder.

Development + watch mode

In root folder run docker-compose -f up to build the files. Result will be placed into dist folder and Webpack will start watching.

node_modules and dist folders will be mapped.

Development + online mode

In root folder run docker-compose -f docker-compose.start.yml up to build the files. Result will be placed into dist folder and application will start watching. Webserver will be available on URL localhost:3030.

node_modules and dist folders will be mapped.

CLI (with local NPM install)

  1. npm i
  2. npm run build or npm run dev
  3. npm run watch to start watching.
  4. npm run start to run dev webserver.



To clean up unused things (pages, 3rd party components) you need to delete:

  • src/styles/syntax-example.less - styles for example pages Note: remove @import "syntax-example"; line from src/styles/index.less file.

  • src/pages/home/HomePage.svelte - syntax highlight component

  • src/assets/prism folder - syntax highlight engine (prism)

  • Unnecessary files: src/pages/* folders.


Routing in the application uses two files: src/config/Routing.svelte and src/pages/home/HomePage.svelte.

First one is a physical routing: declaration of available routes:

<script lang="ts">
    import {Route} from 'svelte-routing';
    import HomePage from '../pages/home/HomePage.svelte';
    import ModalPage from '../pages/modal/ModalPage.svelte';
    import ButtonsPage from '../pages/buttons/ButtonsPage.svelte';
    import RoutingPage from '../pages/routing/RoutingPage.svelte';
    import RoutingParameterizedPage from '../pages/routing/RoutingParameterizedPage.svelte';
    import RoutingSecondaryPage from '../pages/routing/RoutingSecondaryPage.svelte';

<div class="app-pages">
    <Route path="buttons" component="{ButtonsPage}"/>
    <Route path="routing" component="{RoutingPage}"/>
    <Route path="routing/secondary" component="{RoutingSecondaryPage}"/>
    <Route path="routing/:user/:record" let:params component="{RoutingParameterizedPage}"/>
    <Route path="modal" component="{ModalPage}"/>
    <Route path="home" component="{HomePage}"/>
    <Route path="/">

Second file is declaration of routes which are displayed in main menu:

export const menuRoutes = [
    ['home', 'Home'], // [route, title]
    ['routing', 'Routing'],
    ['modal', 'Modal'],
    ['buttons', 'Buttons'],

So you need only to create your pages and declare them here.

Good luck!

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