Svelte + Appwrite
Database subscribers
import { Collection } from '$lib/database'
import { Query } from 'appwrite'
const collection = new Collection('[database-id]', '[collection-id]')
const [subscriber, loading] = collection.createSubscriber([Query.limit(5) /*, ...queries */])
// listen changes (update, delete) in database and automatically rerender on change
// current data = [{ name: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }, ...]
const insertSubscriber = collection.createObserver()
// listen changes (create) in database and automatically rerender on change
const [paginator, paginatorInitalLoading] = collection.createPaginate(10, [/* ...queries */])
// paginate the collection of documents with limit and automatically rerender on change
// makes the next request for items, paginator store automatically rerender on next load
const [scrollData, scrollDispatch] = collection.createInfinityScrollDispatcher(10, [/* ...queries */], { /* intersection observer options */ })
// load next data after scroll to anchor (scrollDispatch) element
{#if $loading}
<p>Loading data from database...</p>
{#each [...$subscriber, ...$insertSubscriber] as item}
<!-- scroll dispatcher example -->
{#each $scrollData as item}
<div use:scrollDispatch on:fetch={(e) => console.log(e) /* on every fetch from scroll dispatcher do some action */} />
Files subscribers
import { Bucket } from '$lib/storage'
import { Query } from 'appwrite'
const bucket = new Bucket('[bucket-id]')
const [files, loading] = bucket.createSubscriber([Query.limit(5) /*, ...queries */])
// listen changes (update, delete) in files and automatically rerender on change
const insertSubscriber = bucket.createObserver()
// listen changes (create) in files and automatically rerender on change
const [upload, dispatch] = storage.createUploadDispatcher(/* many files ? true : false, default = false */)
const [content, loading] = storage.getFileContent('6391f7c70ede82115575')
// get file content and automatically rerender on file update
<input type="file" use:upload />
<button on:click={() => dispatch().then(uploadedFile => console.log(uploadedFile))}>Upload</button>