Svelte Auto Form

A fast and fun form library focused on ease of use, rather than flexibility.


npm install @leveluptuts/auto-form

    import AutoForm from '@leveluptuts/auto-form';
    import type { FormInput } from '@leveluptuts/auto-form';

    let seriesInput: FormInput[] = [
            name: '_id',
            // Readonly for non edit fields, display only
            readonly: true
        // Single string is a type text
            type: 'number',
            name: 'level'
        { name: 'order', type: 'number' },
        { name: 'tags', type: 'tag' },
            type: 'group',
            fields: [
                    name: 'status',
                    type: 'select',
                    options: Object.values(Status)
                    name: 'color',
                    type: 'select',
                    options: ['#333', '#fff']
                    name: 'pro',
                    type: 'checkbox'
                    name: 'authorId',
                    type: 'select',
                    valueProperty: '_id',
                    displayProperty: 'profile.lastName',
                    options: $authorsReference.users //options can be data from an api
                    name: 'logo',
                    type: 'select',
                    options: logos,
                    valueProperty: 'slug',
                    displayProperty: 'slug'

        // Dash to insert an hr row

        // Object with group, will put inside a 2x? grid
        // Custom class property also available as an object property
        // type: 'group', fields: [], class: ''
        { type: 'group', fields: ['price', 'salePrice', 'files', 'filesSize', 'codeLink'] }

    function action() {
        // on form submit

<AutoForm {action} input="{seriesInput}" />


function that's run on submit of the form. form data is passed into this function.


Form Types

export type FormTypes =
    | 'number'
    | 'text'
    | 'checkbox'
    | 'select'
    | 'tag'
    | 'textarea'
    | 'password'
    | 'email'
    | 'select'
    | 'search-select'
    | 'markdown';


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