A federated alternative to Facebook Marketplace.
First, clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/letlovewin/lemma.git
cd lemma
Next, install all dependencies
npm install
Next, you have to set up a Supabase account, and create a new project. From here, you should have a SUPABASE_URL
. If you don't see SERVICE_ROLE_KEY
, go to your project settings -> API, and copy the service_role
You have to set up your Supabase database as well. First, run
create table public.profiles (
id uuid not null references auth.users on delete cascade,
display_name text,
bio text,
primary key (id)
alter table public.profiles enable row level security;
in the SQL editor. After that's finished, run
-- inserts a row into public.profiles
create function public.handle_new_user()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
security definer set search_path = ''
as $$
insert into public.profiles (id, display_name, bio)
values (new.id, new.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'display_name', new.raw_app_meta_data ->> 'bio');
return new;
-- trigger the function every time a user is created
create trigger on_auth_user_created
after insert on auth.users
for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();
Now, back to our lemma/
directory. Create a .env.local file, and populate it with your SUPABASE_URL
touch .env.local
echo VITE_SUPABASE_URL="your SUPABASE_URL here" >> .env.local
echo VITE_SUPABASE_KEY="your SUPABASE_KEY here" >> .env.local
echo SERVICE_ROLE_KEY="your SERVICE_ROLE_KEY here" >> .env.local
From here, there are two options: hosting the website using your own machinery, or deploying the website using Vercel. I'll give a tutorial for both.
Create an account on Vercel. Then go back to your lemma/
directory, and run
npm install vercel-cli
vercel login
and follow the prompt.
Next, create a new Vercel project, and name it however you want. Create two new environment variables in the project.
should be your actual Supabase URL. VITE_SUPABASE_KEY
should be your actual Supabase key. SERVICE_ROLE_KEY
should be your service_role key.
Now that that's finished, run
vercel link
and follow the instructions to link lemma/
to your project on Vercel.
After you've finished that, run
vercel deploy
to deploy your instance.
NOTE: This is NOT complete. I am writing this tutorial alongside whatever development I'm doing. At this point, this is what you have to do if you want to host a clone of this website, sans the ability to post, interact with other users, or even be connected to the Fediverse. Once I implement those features in this repo, I'll add more instructions for that.