Managment software for events with needed materials, participants and a way of keeping track of team-members(and there efforts).
Build: docker build -t technikapp . --build-arg VITE_FULL_RUL="YOURAPPLICATIONURL" --build-arg VITE_API_URL="URLTOBACKEND"
Run: docker run -d -it technikapp
Build: npm run build
Run: node ./build
The project is located in the
Build: docker build -t technikapp-api .
Run: docker run -d -it technikapp-api
Execute in the
Build: npm run build
Run: node run start
The frontend is build with svelte-kit and lies within the repository root. For styling tailwindcss is used.
The backend uses strapi as a headless cms/database and for user authentication. The correspondig project lies in the api/app