

Pull requests are encouraged and always welcome. Pick an issue and help us out!

To install and work on Svelte locally:

git clone
cd svelte
npm install

Many tests depend on newlines being preserved as <LF>. On Windows, you can ensure this by cloning with:

git -c core.autocrlf=false clone

To build the compiler, and all the other modules included in the package:

npm run build

To watch for changes and continually rebuild the package (this is useful if you're using npm link to test out changes in a project locally):

npm run dev

The compiler is written in TypeScript, but don't let that put you off — it's basically just JavaScript with type annotations. You'll pick it up in no time. If you're using an editor other than Visual Studio Code you may need to install a plugin in order to get syntax highlighting and code hints etc.

Running Tests

npm run test

To filter tests, use -g (aka --grep). For example, to only run tests involving transitions:

npm run test -- -g transition

The source code for, including all the documentation, lives in the site directory. The site is built with Sapper. To develop locally:

cd site
npm install && npm run update
npm run dev

:100: Thanks!

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I'm a passionately curious Front-end Engineer. I like sharing what I know, and learning what I don't. London, UK.

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