A simple and lightweight tooltip component for Svelte 3.
You can import the compiled javascript and css files to prevent compiling issues:
import tooltips from './Tooltips';
import './Tooltips/dist/main.css';
Or you import the raw files that you have to compile by yourself:
import {bottom, right} from './tooltip';
To compile the files, have a look at the package.json
, tsconfig.json
and webpack.config.json
At the bottom of the parent:
<div use:tooltips.bottom={'The Tooltip message'}>Hello World</div>
At the right of the parent:
<div use:tooltips.right={'The Tooltip message'}>Hello World</div>
Pass a configuration:
<div use:tooltips.right={{
message: 'The Tooltip message',
delay: 1000, // delay time after hovering in ms
opacity: 0.6, // opacity from 0 to 1
fontSize: 15 // font size in px
}}>Hello World</div>