
The goal of this project is to be a static blog generation tool that integrates with Sveltekit, but doesn't require you to touch any of the Svelte stuff to make a post.

How to use

The workflow to post is as follows:

  1. Enable GitHub pages for your fork/clone of the repo
  2. Write a markdown file in blog_pages
    • Make sure to follow the naming convention for each file for proper rendering: blog_pages/
    • Any static content such as images and videos that you want to link to in the post should be stored under the static/ directory
  3. Run npm build && npm run dev -- --open, navigate to the /blog route, and check the output of the build
  4. Run git push

Building inserts the markdown as subpages of the the /pages route. A list of links to your posts and their corresponding dates is available on the /blog route. Once you push, the site will be built and published to GitHub pages, including the post that you wrote!

List of rendered posts visible in /blog

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