youtube-videos Svelte Themes

Youtube Videos

유튜브 채널 동영상 목록 가져오기 (a svelte app with YouTube Data API v3 to fetch videos on a channel)

유튜브 채널 동영상 목록 가져오기 (a svelte app with YouTube Data API v3 to fetch videos on a channel)

YouTube Data API v3을 이용해서 유튜브 채널의 동영상 목록을 가져오는 svelte app입니다. API Key와 재생목록ID만 있으면 간편하게 영상 목록을 추출할 수 있는데요.

우선 Google Cloud Platform의 "API 및 서비스" > "사용자 인증 정보" 페이지에서 "YouTube Data API v3"의 API Key를 발급받은 후 아래 링크 페이지를 열어서 테스트해보면 됩니다.

위 페이지의 입력 항목 중 "YouTube Channel List ID"는 재생목록ID를 의미하므로, 이미 만들어둔 재생목록의 영상 리스트를 추출할 수도 있구요. 특정 채널의 동영상 탭에서 "업로드한 동영상 > 모두 재생"을 클릭했을 때 만들어지는 재생목록ID를 가지고 해당 채널의 영상 목록 전체를 가져올 수도 있습니다.

영상 목록 추출 결과물은 나름대로 딱 필요하다고 생각되는 항목들로 구성되어 있으며, json 형식이라서 개발언어에 상관없이 원하는대로 가공하여 쓸 수 있을 겁니다.

svelte app

This is a project template for Svelte apps. It lives at

To create a new project based on this template using degit:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app
cd svelte-app

Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.

Get started

Install the dependencies...

cd svelte-app
npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the sirv commands in package.json to include the option --host

If you're using Visual Studio Code we recommend installing the official extension Svelte for VS Code. If you are using other editors you may need to install a plugin in order to get syntax highlighting and intellisense.

Building and running in production mode

To create an optimised version of the app:

npm run build

You can run the newly built app with npm run start. This uses sirv, which is included in your package.json's dependencies so that the app will work when you deploy to platforms like Heroku.

Single-page app mode

By default, sirv will only respond to requests that match files in public. This is to maximise compatibility with static fileservers, allowing you to deploy your app anywhere.

If you're building a single-page app (SPA) with multiple routes, sirv needs to be able to respond to requests for any path. You can make it so by editing the "start" command in package.json:

"start": "sirv public --single"

Using TypeScript

This template comes with a script to set up a TypeScript development environment, you can run it immediately after cloning the template with:

node scripts/setupTypeScript.js

Or remove the script via:

rm scripts/setupTypeScript.js

Deploying to the web

With Vercel

Install vercel if you haven't already:

npm install -g vercel

Then, from within your project folder:

cd public
vercel deploy --name my-project

With surge

Install surge if you haven't already:

npm install -g surge

Then, from within your project folder:

npm run build
surge public

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