Tweetamon is the result of two ideas. First, we wanted to create an NFT smart contract where everyone can have an unique NFT and second, we want to create a Twitter game.
The game is currently in planning and requires the avatar to be used as a Twitter profile picture. There is no planned release date for that game yet.
To mint a NFT on rinkeby testnet
Faucets for rinkeby: | rinkebyfaucet
The current setup requires infura endpoints for Ethereum and IPFS.
Setting up .env files In order to run your dev test you will need to setup the .env files. There is one .env file for the brownie test & deploy mechanics and one for the web front end. This project provides example.env files.
Adapt brownie-config You can easily deploy to any ethereum net by adapting the brownie-config.yaml
Compile the smart contract To compile the NFT contract run:
brownie compile
Running tests There are a bunch of test for the contract which can be run locally using ganache:
brownie test In the contracts folder you can find a mock version of the price aggregator. For running tests on a specific network run: brownie test --network rinkeby
Deploy to a network To deploy the contract to a network run:
brownie run .\scripts\ --network rinkeby Deploying will also copy over "./build" to "./web/data".
Run Front-End Run the following command in the web folder:
npm install npm run dev
npm run build
Upload public folder