
Sveltekit Page Title Component

SvelteKit Page Title Component

This package provides a PageTitle Svelte component that automatically updates the document title with the name of the current page. It is intended for use in SvelteKit projects.


You can install this package using npm:

npm i sveltekit-page-title-component


npx sveltekit-page-title-component

The <PageTitle /> component, will automatically be added to all +page.svelte files.

If it already exists, it will not be added.

If the <script></script> tag does not exist, it will be added to the +page.svelte files.

  import PageTitle from "sveltekit-page-title-component";

You can also set a custom title for the page by passing a customTitle prop:

<PageTitle customTitle="Custom Title"/>


If you find a bug or want to suggest a new feature, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository. Pull requests are also welcome.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

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