
Routify Tailwind

Use Routify with Tailwind CSS

Use Routify with Tailwind CSS

Check out demo Here.


  • Purging Styles in Svelte component


npx degit lamualfa/routify-tailwind folder-name

The command above will create a new folder with the name folder-name which contains Routify + Tailwind CSS template.

Environment Used

  • Routify 2.5.1-next-major
  • Tailwind 2.0.2
  • PostCSS 8.2.1


This template use Tailwind CSS v2.0.2. If you need the latest version, just run the command yarn add tailwindcss or npm install tailwindcss to update the Tailwind CSS.

Special thank's to dominikg/svite for the Tailwind configuration file.

  • routify-ts - Use Typescript in Routify Project.
  • routify-twind - Use Twind (Tailwind CSS in JS version) in Routify.
  • routify-windi - Use Windi CSS (Next generation of Tailwind CSS compiler) in Routify.
  • routify-carbon - Use IBM Carbon Framework in Routify.
  • routify-vite Use Vite (Next Generation Frontend Tooling) in Routify.
  • routify-vite-ts Use Vite (Next Generation Frontend Tooling) & Typescript in Routify.

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