FullStack Dockerized Project with FastAPI, Svelte, Local SMTP Server, Backoffice and PostgreSQL


This is a full-stack web application. Docker for containerization, FastAPI for the API and Backoffice, Svelte for the frontend, Local SMTP and PostgreSQL as the database. The project is designed to provide a robust and scalable foundation for building modern full-stack web applications.


Make sure you have the following tools installed on your machine:

Get started

  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Copy & rename .env-template to .env and fill it
  3. docker compose up --build



  • Purge & update sql schemas: docker compose exec -it db bash "/usr/src/sql/purge.sh"
  • Import data into db: docker compose exec -it db bash "/usr/src/sql/import.sh"
  • Launch tests: pytest tests/*.py

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