
Svelte Timer Store

Simple timer store with support for pausing and laps

Svelte timer store

Simple timer store with support for pausing and laps.


This is a simple library that utilises Svelte's stores, therefore Svelte is required to use it.

Installation is done using your favourite package manager:

# npm
npm install svelte-timer-store

# pnpm
pnpm install svelte-timer-store

# yarn
yarn add svelte-timer-store


  • Ability to pause and resume timer (sections)
    • Ability to add labels to sections
  • Laps
  • Timer state is presented as a readable store
  • Functions to start, stop, pause, resume, toggle, reset and do a lap


To use the timer, import the createTimer function. The function can then be used to construct the timer store:

    import { createTimer } from 'svelte-timer-store';

    const timer = createTimer({ showMs: true, updateInterval: 100 });

    const handleSave = () => {
        const state =;

    onMount(async () => {
        const savedState = await someFunctionToLoadState();

<!-- Subscribing to the store allows you to read its current state -->
<p>Status: {$timer.status}</p>
<p>Duration: {$timer.durationString}</p>

<!-- You can read the timer's sections in realtime -->
    {#each $timer.sections as section}
        <p>Started: {new Date(section.from).toTimeString()}</p>
        <p>Duration: {section.duration / 1000}s</p>

<!-- And also the laps -->
    {#each $timer.laps as lap}
        <p>Duration: {lap.durationSinceLastLap / 1000}s</p>

<!-- All available timer controls -->
<button on:click="{timer.start}">Start timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.stop}">Stop timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.pause}">Pause timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.resume}">Resume timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.toggle}">Toggle timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.reset}">Reset timer</button>
<button on:click="{timer.lap}">New lap</button>


createTimer(opts?: TimerOptions)

Constructs the timer store.


  • showMs?: boolean - If true, milliseconds are included in the duration string
  • updateInterval?: number - How often in milliseconds to update the calculated duration

timer.start(label?: string)

Starts the timer, starting a new section. You can provide an optional label for the started section.


Stops the timer while retaining all sections and laps. Only works if the timer is running.


Pauses the timer, ending the current section. Only works if the timer is running.

timer.resume(label?: string)

Resumes the timer, starting a new section. Only works if the timer is paused.

timer.toggle(label?: string)

Convenience function to start, pause or resume the timer based on the current state.

You can provide an optional label for when a new section is started.


Adds a new lap.


Resets the timer to its initial state, clearing all sections and laps.

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