This project was generated using the Bits Svelte frontend Getting started page
yarn global add @teambit/bvm
Install bit CLI
bvm install
Create bit workspace for svelte project
bit new basic my-svelte-workspace
Enter workspace
cd my-svelte-workspace
Open in your IDE of choice
code .
bit templates
The following template(s) are available with the command bit create:
Example - bit create <template-name> <component-name>
svelte (frontend.svelte/svelte-env)
svelte (a svelte component template)
svelte-env (set up your own custom svelte env using this template)
svelte-app (a template for generating svelte app components)
find and add templates in
Add a svelte component
bit create svelte my-svelte-component
Add a svelte app
bit create svelte-app my-svelte-app
Start local Bit dev server
bit start
Go to localhost:3000
Notice how the component is imported and used in the Svelte app:
import { MySvelteComponent } from '@org/';
export let name;
<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
<p>Visit the <a href="">Svelte tutorial</a> to learn how to build Svelte apps.</p>
name="some name"