Simple Svelte Skeleton

Simple components for skeleton to use in svelte 😎

Usage Example


Import skeleton comonents

import { Box, Column, Row } from "simple-svelte-skeleton";

Use the components

        <Column width="100px">
            <Box width="100%" height="100px" round />
        <Column stretch>
            <Box width="100%" height="100px" />
    <Box width="100%" height="40px" />
    <Box width="100%" height="40px" />


Using npm:

npm install simple-svelte-skeleton

Using yarn:`

yarn add simple-svelte-skeleton


For all the components Column, Row and Box, you can pass any CSS properties as props.


Stack components vertically and add spaces in-between. Currently it adds 8px margin.


  • All CSS properties
  • stretch (boolean): Stretches the component so that it takes all the remaining space by adding inline CSS flex-grow: 1.


Stack components horizontally and add spaces in-between. Currently it adds 8px margin.


  • All CSS properties
  • stretch (boolean): Stretches the component so that it takes all the remaining space by adding inline CSS flex-grow: 1.


A box made with div element.


  • All CSS properties
  • stretch (boolean): Stretches the component so that it takes all the remaining space by adding inline CSS flex-grow: 1.
  • round (boolean): Makes the component circular by adding inline CSS border-radius: 100%.

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