TensorFlow COCO-SSD Media Classifier in Svelte

This project integrates TensorFlow's COCO-SSD model for object detection within a Svelte application. It can classify objects in real-time from a webcam stream, or browse through sample images

It should be approached as a dummy example and not a fully optimized app!


  • Real-time object detection using the webcam.
  • Support for object detection in static images.
  • Interactive UI to switch between media sources.
  • All functions are well documented!
  • TODOs suggesting optimizations


Follow these steps to set up the project locally.


  • Node.js (Preferably the latest stable version) or Bun.js


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/orcchieftain/Tensorflow-COCO-SSD-Media-Classifier-In-Svelte-Example.git or DOWNLOAD and UNPACK
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Tensorflow-COCO-SSD-Media-Classifier-In-Svelte-Example
  3. Install dependencies npm install or bun install
  4. Run the development server: npm run dev or bun run dev
  5. Open yer browser an' go to http://localhost:5173, where "PORT" be the port number yer server be runnin' on.


You are free to reuse and copy. Read more about Common Objects in Context Single Shot MultiBox Detector (COCO-SSD)https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tensorflow-models/coco-ssd.

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