
Scraping Capterra Using Puppeteer View Via Data Sveltekit


This is an admission project for a company I applied to. The goal is to scrape data from Capterra and create a view in Sveltekit using Skeleton UI Toolkit.

Data Flow

  1. Web Scraping:

  2. Data Handling:

    • Extracted links are saved as JSON using Bun.js.
  3. SvelteKit Application:

    • Loads JSON data.
    • Uses SkeletonUI's Tree View component to display data.

Data Flow: [Puppeteer (Scraping)] --> [Node.js (Save JSON)] [Node.js] --> [SvelteKit Application (Display Data)]

Implemented features

  • a scraper saves all content from the categories page in the desired JSON format
  • SvelteKit application views the data in a tree-like structure

Hypothetical features

  • Could scrape the first page (or 3) of each category for headers
  • Styles need to be better!



Node or Bun must be installed!


You can skip steps 1, 2, 3 if you want to use an already scraped JSON.

  1. Open folder with the project files in the terminal.
  2. Run cd scraper
  3. Run npm install or bun install

3.0 Edit package.JSON in ~/scraper/package.json scripts line with npm instead of bun if using npm 3.1 Run npm scrape or bun scrape 4. Run cd ../webView 5. Run npm run dev or bun dev to view JSON in SvelteKit

Top categories

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