svelte-tree-viewer Svelte Themes

Svelte Tree Viewer

Svelte tree viewer component library


Easy and compact svelte component library to generate tree view.

See Demo


npm i svelte-tree-viewer


Creating a Tree structure that svelte-tree-viewer can interpret

type Node =  {
    desc: string;
    key?: string;
    child?: Array<Node>;
const Tree: Array<Node> = [{
  desc: 'parent',
  child: [{
    key: 'child',
    desc: 'child'
}, {
  desc: 'parent 2 it is',
  child: [{
    desc: 'child 2 it is',
    child: [{
      desc: 'child 2-1 it is',
      key: 'child-2-1'

Should be an array of objects where each object denotes a tree node and can have the following properties

  • key -> a unique key name that would be forwarded as the onSelectCallback parameter. Not required on a non-leaf node.
  • desc -> text to be shown on UI
  • child -> denotes children of the current node. Don't pass it on if a node does have any children.

import it in your svelte component

import { TreeViewer } from "svelte-tree-viewer";

then use it in you component

 <TreeViewer tree={tree} onSelectCallback={YOUR_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_HERE}/>

This component will expect the following props

  • tree -> Tree
  • onSelectCallback(optional): (key) => {....your implementation} -> a callback function that will be called when any leaf node is clicked
  • secondaryIcon(optional): Fa icon or image src
  • faIcon: boolean -> - true: if the secondary icon is a font awesome icon - false: if it is an image url

Note: onSelectCallback will be called only when a click event is registered on the leaf nodes

Using secondary icons

svelte-tree-viewer supports font awesome icons and uses svelte-fa to render those. if you want the secondary icon to be visible on the screen, then there are two possible ways to pass it on to svelte-tree-viewer

  1. Using font awesome ``` import { faBookDead } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';

// Note: faIcon is true here since faBookDead is a font awesome icon

2. Using custom image url

// Note: faIcon is false here <TreeViewer tree={tree} secondaryIcon={'[YOUR_IMAGE_SRC]'} onSelectCallback={YOUR_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_HERE} faIcon={false}/>

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