A preview of this site is available at https://svelte-portfolio-starter.netlify.app/
NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime engine. We use this to run a local the website locally on our computers
Ref: https://nodejs.org/en/about
npm is the package manager for NodeJS. Like pip/conda for python, and it is typically included with NodeJS installation
Ref: https://www.npmjs.com/
Svelte is a modern JS library to built UI. It's just HTML/CSS/JS with some additional functionality
Ref: https://svelte.dev/
file code structure
<!-- JavaScript -->
// any valid javascript code inside here
<!-- HTML -->
<!-- CSS -->
div {
background: red;
SvelteKit is a framework built on top of Svelte. This comes with pre-installed setup for routing pages, managing server-side code etc
Ref: https://kit.svelte.dev/
A component is a reusable piece of code to create UI. Every .svelte
file is technically a component (unless it's a route)
Ref: https://svelte.dev/tutorial/basics
A route is the link we see on the URL bar on our browsers. Any new page is technically a route- e.g. example.com/about, example.com/contact, example.com/cats
Dynamic routing is a pattern to generate multiple routes instead of creating a new file for each of them.
For example, if we have the following pages, and all of them follow the same structure on the page, we can create just one dynamic route and display only the relevant page data
Markdown is a markup language to create structured plain-text documents
Ref: https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started/
The project requires NodeJS to run.
into itnpm install
(or yarn
) to install all the dependenciesRunning the development server
Run npm run dev
in the project terminal to start the development server.
The server should be running at localhost:5173 unless the port is busy
The template follows the SvelteKit dynamic routing pattern to route all the posts located in /src/posts/
All routes follow the following pattern
| URL Path | Routing File |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| example.com/about | /src/routes/about/+page.svelte
| example.com/contact | /src/routes/contact/+page.svelte
All posts are located in the /src/posts/
directory, and uses an extended version of markdown syntax using mdsvex
To create a new post-
file in your /src/posts/
files are an extended markdown format built specifically for Svelte. You can use the standard flavoured markdown, as well as, import and use any Svelte component inside the markdown. With this, you can use dynamic components, charts, and custom-built components inside your .svx
We can use JavaScript in HTML on a Svelte component by writing it inside a set of curly braces {}
let myName = 'Jorts the Cat';
<h1>Hello, my name is {myName}</h1>
Any interaction that occurs on the browser is an event. So clicks, scrolls, key presses, mouse moves are all events.
Here is an extensive list of all events - https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_event.asp
On any HTML element, events can be 'listened' to, with the following syntax
function dance() {
alert('Cha cha real smooth');
<button on:click="{dance}">Dance</button>
We define a function to do a certain thing, and pass it (without the ()
at the end of the function name) to trigger it when the event occurs
Displaying some content is x
is true, if not, display something else
{#if x == true}
<p>Some content</p>
<p>Some other content</p>
Looping through an array of data is a common pattern in JS, and Svelte comes with a special syntax for doing this easily
{#each posts as post}
In the above code block
is an iterable/arraypost
is each of the items in posts
in the loop